Homes England Project

Scope of the works

Sites of varying size within Telford & Wrekin Council area. This contract has been successfully managed since it’s start date in 2019.

This includes the maintenance of short, long and rough grass , roadside landscaping, shrub beds, hard surfaces, litter picking and emptying of bins, play area maintenance and repair, graffiti removal, hedge cutting. Weed control in shrub beds. Removal of fly tipping, fallen branches and fence repairs.

A weekly cleanse of large play area is undertaken as well as a safety inspection of a number of playgrounds and the playground equipment. A weekly report is completed along with photographs and sent to the client.

Performance monitoring is also undertaken using:

  • a weekly written report for the site visits (example of report – Appendix 4)
  • photographic evidence of the site equipment is provided alongside the report

The Environment Partnership/HCA have a formal KPI monthly reporting system in place for these Telford sites and Midland Landscaping consistently scores 98% plus  in our performance.

We have assisted to improve the standard of the management of the site by maintaining a high standard and consistent performance in it’s up keep. We have very good communications and working relationship with the team at TEP who trust us to keep them in touch with any problems or concerns arising at the sites.

We recently supported them with an escalation process for reporting between both our team and theirs to make sure health and safety is a priority. The client is aware that we can to respond swiftly to respond to any additional requirements should an unforeseen issue occur and resolve these for them in a professional and timely manner. Our contracts manager has a ROSPA qualification in play area inspections.

Homes England Project Gallery

Interested in working with us?

For further information about our landscaping an habitat services, please contact us.

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